How Does Humidity Affect My Air Conditioning System?

A Humidity meter points to 65% humidity level.While most people look forward to the lazy, hazy days of summer, not many people enjoy the often-high humidity that goes along with those warmer days. That’s why so many homeowners choose to install air conditioning, which offers a welcome escape on hot, sticky days. However, you should know that high humidity can cause some concerns for your home’s air conditioning system.

Helping with humidity is definitely one of the benefits an air conditioning system provides. Your air conditioner is made to help draw the moisture out of the air, along with the heat. However, many people assume that because it’s capable of this, an AC system will provide enough dehumidification in humid environments. Unfortunately, this isn’t necessarily the case.

Humid air tends to hold more heat, so naturally, this makes your indoor air warmer. And that, in turn, makes your air conditioning system have to work harder. Because of this, your AC system will consume more energy – causing an increase in energy costs, too. Plus, an air conditioning system that has to work harder to keep your home cool, year after year, may not have the same lifespan as a similar system in a less-humid environment.

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What can I do to help my air conditioning system work better in humid conditions?

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help your air conditioning system operate better in high humidity. Some are even free! Keep reading below to learn more:

  • Use your exhaust fans when cooking or bathing. Obviously, cooking on the stove and taking a steamy bath or shower can create even more humidity in your home. So, make sure to turn your exhaust fans on when boiling that pot of spaghetti or freshening up for the day. (Turn the exhaust fans off when you’re done, though, so you don’t blow the cooled air out of your home.)
  • Keep doors and windows shut on days of high humidity. Every open window or door allows warm, damp air to enter your home – and forces your AC system to work harder.
  • Keep tabs on the humidity level of your home. The best way to do this is by purchasing a hygrometer. It likely won’t cost you more than $10 to purchase one, and they’re available at most home improvement stores. This will help you know if the air in your home is too humid, so you can take more measures in reducing the humidity.
  • Consider dehumidification. Sometimes, it’s just too difficult to control your home’s humidity level using your HVAC equipment. In these instances, Home Climates generally recommends installing a dehumidification system in your home. We’re pleased to offer whole-home dehumidification systems that can help your family enjoy better comfort – and help your AC system not have to work so hard.

I’m not sure that I really need dehumidification. Are there any other benefits it can provide?

At Home Climates, we understand that installing a whole-house dehumidifier might not be something you budgeted for. However, if you purchase a hygrometer and you’re seeing overly humid air in your home, day after day, it can be detrimental to more than your air conditioning system. Here are a few examples of other problems too much moisture can cause:

  • Basement dampness
  • Mold growth
  • Mildew growth
  • An ideal environment for bacteria
  • Wood rot
  • Reduced indoor air quality
  • Window condensation
  • Wet stains on drywall and ceilings

As you can see, overly humid homes are often host to pathogens and can, over time, be subject to structural damage – both of which can cause long-term issues that may be much more expensive to remedy than simply installing a dehumidification system.

How can Home Climates help me with my home humidity concerns?

Getting help with the humidity problem in your home is as easy as calling Home Climates. We’re ready to assist you by providing you with the products you need to get a handle on your home’s moisture concerns and enjoy better comfort. Just give us a call at 717.689.4151, and we’ll be happy to discuss our quality dehumidification systems with you and schedule an appointment.


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